McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
Built to last and developed on some of the world's most rugged terrain, the McHale range of round balers and round and square bale wrappers is known throughout the world for durability, reliability, innovation and value for money.
As with all McHale machines, the V6 variable chamber round baler range(belt baler range) has been designed with the demands of today's farmer and contractor in mind.
This common sense approach to design, ensures that the McHale V660 variable chamber round balers' operation is kept simple and user friendly. Features like, the three belt variable bale chamber with double drive and the drop floor unblocking system, when combined with high specification components, ensures long life, reliability and a variable chamber round baler that is rugged enough to handle the toughest of crops and ground conditions.
Split Drive Gearbox - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
On the V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler the left hand side of the gearbox drives the belts and rollers in the bale chamber, while the pick up and chopper unit are driven from the right hand side of the machine. This system ensures direct short transfer paths and optimal power distribution.

Pick Up - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Baler
The McHale V660 variable chamber round baler is equipped with a 2.1 metre galvanised pick up which lifts even the shortest of crop. Accurate height control can be achieved through a spring balanced hydraulic lifting system. The V660 variable chamber round baler comes standard with pneumatic guide wheels, which contact the ground on exactly the same line as the tines and guide the pick up perfectly over uneven ground.
The pick up on the V660 variable chamber round baler is fitted with lateral feed augers that smoothly guide the crop into the chopping unit. The pick up features:
- five rows of tines
- double raced cam bearings
- slip clutch protection
- cam side inspection port for checking/ changing pick up bearings
A crop compression roller is also available on the McHale V660 variable chamber round baler. This roller evens out lumps in the swarth and minimises the risk of blockages when working in heavy swarths.

High Capacity Rotor - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
The McHale V660 variable chamber round baler is equipped with a 15 knife chopper unit. As crop enters the spiral rotor, pairs of rotating tines feed the crop through the chopping unit. The double tines on the rotor ensure high output while the spiral layout reduces the load peaks as the machine works in heavy swarths. The rotor design encourages a uniform crop flow, which reduces the risk of blockages, thus maximising the V660 variable chamber round balers output.
With all 15 knives engaged, a theoretical chop length of 65mm is delivered. Knives in the V660 variable chamber round baler can be engaged and disengaged from the tractor cab. Should a foreign object enter the chopping unit the knives are protected hydraulically, which allows the knives to move out of the way and reset themselves once the foreign object has passed through and reset automatically.

Chopper Unit - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
Knives in the chopping unit of the McHale V660 variable chamber baler can be engaged and disengaged from the tractor cab. When engaged, the knives extend into the spine of the rotor, which ensures a consistent cut quality. Knives have hydraulic protection ensuring that if a foreign object enters the chopping unit, the knives can drop out of the way.
The knives in the chopping unit of the V660 variable chamber round baler are made from hardened tool steel, which ensures long life and maximum productivity.

The McHale V660 variable chamber round baler is designed to achieve maximum output, however as baling conditions are not always ideal, uneven swarths can occur, which can lead to blockages. The main drive chain is protected by a slip clutch on the PTO.
- Should a blockage occur, the sound of the slip clutch alerts the operator who can hydraulically lower the floor from the tractor cab.
- This widens the feed channel, on re-engaging the PTO the blockage will be fed through.
- The floor can then be reset and baling can resume, allowing the V660 variable chamber baler to resume its work.

Bale Chamber & Bale Sizes - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
The bale chamber on the V660 variable chamber round baler is comprised of 3 heavy-duty endless belts. The belts are extremely hard wearing and are reinforced with synthetic material, which ensures that the belts can absorb and apply high pressure to the material in the variable bale chamber.
The V660 variable chamber round baler can make a bale from 0.7m (2 foot, 4 inches) to 1.68m (5 foot, 6 inches). The bale size can be adjusted up from the minimum setting in increments of 20mm (3/4 of an inch).

Bale Chamber Double Drive & Support Roller - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
The bale chamber on the McHale V660 variable chamber round baler has a double drive. In more difficult conditions, such as wet heavy grass, if the primary drive slips slightly, the secondary drive will engage to aid belt and material rotation.
The outer roller on the tailgate of the V660 variable chamber bale chamber moves as the bale is being formed, so that it always supports the bale, this ensures that the bale diameter is kept uniform.

Mechanical Tailgate Locking System - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler
The tailgate on the V660 variable chamber round baler is fitted with a set of mechanical locks, which keep the bale chamber securely closed. These locks remain activated until, the preset bale size and density have been reached and the required amount of net has been applied. After netting, the locks release and allow the tailgate to open, releasing the high-density bale to be ejected from the V660 round bale chamber.

Greasing & Oiling - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler.
On the V660 variable chamber baler grease can be applied to the main bearings through a number of centralised greasing blocks. The following bearings are greased:
- Bale Chamber Drive Side
- Bale Chamber Non Drive Side
- Rotor Bearings (Drive and Non Drive Side)
- Pick Up Drive Gears
The oiler on the V660 variable chamber round baler is run off the gearbox, so once the PTO is engaged the machine starts to oil the chains. The machine oils:
- Chamber Drive Side Chains
- Pick Up Chains
- Rotor Chain
- Cam Track

Expert Plus Control Console - McHale V660 Variable Chamber Round Baler.
The McHale V660 variable chamber round baler is fitted with an Expert Plus Control Console, which has a large graphic display. From the control console, the operator can adjust the following from the tractor cab:
- Bale Size
- Bale Density
- Revolutions of net being applied
The expert plus console, also gives the operator the choice of selecting a soft or hard bale core, depending on the customer\'s feed out requirements.
The control console can store 10 totals, it also features:
- Knife Display
- Door Position Display
- Drop Floor Display
- Lube Alarm

Vario Stretch Net System
A new high performance netter has been designed and developed.
The net tension can be simply adjusted on a variable pulley on the right hand side of the machine and a decal displays the various settings that can be achieved using the system, depending on the net quality being used. This netter is very reliable and features:
• Endless adjustment of tension to ensure optimum net usage and bale shape.
• Capacity to take rolls of net wrap up to 1300mm.
• 180-degree wrap around on the rubber feed roller, eliminating any net slippage while feeding.

Net Loading & Storage
Net loading has been optimised on the V660 baler range by the simple yet very effective rock and roll net loading system. The operator simply releases the straps on the spare roll of net on the machine platform and rocks the net roll from its storage position over the lip in the platform and rolls it into the net box. Storage for an extra roll of net is provided on the baler platform.